Could Sleep Apnoea Harm My Health?

Last updated on July 7th, 2023 at 09:43 am

Sleep apnoea is a serious condition, yet also a common one. Studies estimate 1 in 15 people may suffer from this sleep disorder. Yet for the vast majority it will
be left undiagnosed as they put their heavy snoring and lack of sleep down to other factors.

Could Sleep Apnoea Harm My Health?
Could Sleep Apnoea Harm My Health?

Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is the most common form of this sleep disorder and left undiagnosed it can have serious health consequences which can be fatal. However, modern treatment options mean someone with OSA can regain
a normal, active lifestyle by implementing a few changes to their routine.

Symptoms of OSA

Heavy snoring and interrupted sleep are prime symptoms of OSA. The airways become blocked during sleep, reducing oxygen flow and
prompting the brain to react, waking you up for air. Sometimes people will awake gasping and this can happen numerous times every night.

Sleep is so vital to the human body for restorative purposes,
with studies indicating we sleep for up to 35% of our lives. When constantly disturbed it is bound to have a toll on someone’s physical and mental well-being. The immediate effects are constant tiredness, frequent morning headaches, irritability, lack of motivation and poor concentration levels.

Serious Health Risks

Left undiagnosed OSA has the potential for serious health issues which can be fatal. Studies suggest that the risk of premature death increases with the level of
severity of a sufferer’s OSA. However, on the flip side the research also suggests proper treatment can reduce this risk.

The constant waking through the night places additional stress on the body and, alongside the reduction in oxygen levels, causes high blood pressure levels. People with this sleep disorder are also three times more likely to have a stroke, as well as having an increased risk of heart disease. Further health risks associated with OSA include:

  • Diabetes
  • Liver damage
  • Pregnancy complications
  • Glaucoma
  • Depression
  • Weaker immune system
  • Gout
  • Memory issues

There also are daily issues like irritability, fatigue and concentration problems. OSA is also associated with a reduced sex drive.

A Trigger for Inflammation

Studies indicate that OSA is also a trigger for systemic inflammation in the body as a result of the lack of oxygen in the blood. Systemic inflammation is linked to a number of chronic health conditions including heart disease, kidney disease, type 2 diabetes and atherosclerosis, where there is a buildup of plaque in the arteries which increases the risk of a heart attack or a stroke. Inflammation is also linked to changes in mood, behaviour and neurocognition.

Diagnosis: Is It Sleep Apnoea?

If you believe you could be suffering from sleep apnoea, it is vital to get a diagnosis. This is the first step towards treatment which could alleviate not only the
daily issues of fatigue and lack of motivation, but help to reduce the risks from the serious health conditions linked to the condition.

You can first order a simple home diagnosis test, called Overnight Oximetry, which assesses your oxygen levels overnight as you sleep.
All it involves is a sensor placed on a finger for two consecutive nights and the information it records is analysed by experienced sleep professionals.

One such test is our In-Home sleep test, which is a more convenient option than the multiple appointments required through the NHS to get a similar test and does not require you taking time off work to attend. Order the Sleep Test here.

Therapy to Treat OSA

Once diagnosed with OSA you have an explanation for all those nights of disturbed sleep and the constant fatigue felt during the day. You will now have the opportunity to receive treatment which can restore your sleep and help get you back to an active lifestyle. Of the treatment options available, CPAP is considered one of the leading forms and although it requires a few lifestyle changes it can provide instant relief and restore concentration and motivation to your everyday life.

The therapy works by supplying a constant stream of air through a mask worn while you sleep. The mask can cover the nose, mouth or both depending on which type the individual finds most comfortable, as it can take a little while to get used to.

The mask needs to create a seal in order to effectively pump the air and keep the airways open through the night, removing the breathing pauses which force you to wake up gasping for air, thereby helping to reduce your snoring too.

As well as the machine and mask to supply the stream of air, the therapy requires a tube to link these two elements and also a heated humidifier. The humidifier helps with comfort levels as you sleep, though you will need to find the temperature which works best for you.

Positive Benefits

While OSA left undiagnosed can be a serious condition, once diagnosed and treated you can look to get your everyday life back again. The equipment which comes with this therapy can take a little while to get used to, but by making the necessary adjustments and sticking to the treatment you can look forward to enjoying the benefits.

Without the constant waking through the night you will have a rested body and a rested mind, offering immediate relief. Users of this therapy report having their energy levels back, and restored concentration and motivation. They do not have that constant fatigue throughout the day, benefiting both their personal and work lives.

One of the dangerous side effects of OSA at home and work is the associated drowsiness and the increased risk for accidents this brings through lack of attention.

Falling asleep when driving is a particular danger, with one study showing truck drivers with OSA who did not keep to their treatment were at five times more risk of an accident compared to drivers without the sleep disorder. Once you begin CPAP therapy it is imperative to stick with it, as even one night without using the machine to help you breathe can have a negative impact.

Enjoying Life Again

You will need to persevere at first with your therapy equipment to find the settings to give you a good night’s sleep, but once you do there is much to be positive about, including:

  • Being more productive at home and work
  • More quality time with loved ones
  • Eliminating morning headaches
  • Eliminating snoring, which helps your partner, too.
  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Reduced risk of heart disease and stroke
  • Reduced risk of moods and depression

These are examples of some of the benefits of treatment and having consistent quality sleep. The machine required to blow air through the mask is usually small and lightweight. This makes it easy to transport when you go away, making holidays and visiting family and friends a more enjoyable and relaxing experience once again. You will just need to plan a little prior to any trip to make sure you can safely power up the machine.

OSA can be debilitating and harmful to your health if left undiagnosed. Modern day treatment methods mean you do not need to suffer any longer, getting your old life back with a few tweaks to your everyday routine.

Those who are overweight are more likely to develop OSA, so losing weight would also be a priority. Yet combined with this therapy you can stay both safe and healthy, allowing you to get the most out of your day once again.

To order the At-Home Sleep Test click here

To shop for the highest-quality selection of CPAP devices click here